Mt TamalPais & The Pacific Ocean – CA
August 15th, 2019
I woke up to a blissful Californian morning. The sun was shining bright as the morning rush was getting underway.
My long time friend Navee, whom I had met out in NYC for a hike back in May, met me at the hotel at 6:45am. I then followed her to our friend Megan’s place. A normal 45 minute drive took us nearly 2 hours. Let’s just say the CHiP’s were out in force, and busting people left and right.
We all jump in Megan’s car and head over to Stinson Beach. It was an ideal parking spot for the start and finish of the hike. We get out of the car, get our gear on, and walk over to the Pacific Ocean quick.

We then took a group photo before starting the hike.

The girls then took the lead. The trailhead was down the road and around the corner.

I could sense we were close to the Matt Davis Trail. It was the trail we were taking up to Mt Tamalpais.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at this coyote sign. (barely visible in the photo) Back in Ohio we have them too. I came across two of them in the CVNP. I made eye contact with both of them (not encouraged as seen on the sign), and whistled at them as if they were dogs. They slowly walked away with their tail between their legs as if I was their owner and they did something wrong. Too funny.

At last, we were on the trail. One thing I notice right away is the vast greenery of this forest.

We went on for a little while, and then we began heading up several elevated switchbacks.

The switchbacks went on and on… We eventually came to this opening.

What a gorgeous view. However, it was sure to be nothing against the views that were yet to come at higher elevations.
We headed back into the forest and after a short while we came to another opening. We took ‘five’ here.

After a moment of meditation, we carried on. Did I mention, I thoroughly enjoy Peanut Butter Banana CLIF bars? Love them!
Back into the forest we went. Little did we know, our cooler shade under the canopy was about to run out.

The heat was on. No doubt about it. One method I practice is that when the sun is on me, I turn up the speed, and turbo it to the next shaded area. I end up passing the girls in the process.

I found the shade at last. They catch up, and tell me to go on. That they will meet me at the next shaded spot. They insist. Thus, I blazed on.

I come to a bend and notice two other hikers ahead that I am catching.
I come around the bend, and they were nowhere to be seen. I then notice the trail splits off in 3 directions. I immediately seek some shade and cool off while waiting on the girls to catch up.

I then see them in the distance. The heat was taking a toll on all of us.

We all meet up, and take a break in the shade. Meanwhile, I notice we are on the top of a great viewing area. In the distance, you can see San Francisco, and the Golden Gate Bridge.

After soaking in the views, we decide to get moving again. The forest was just ahead.
What we came across next was perhaps one of the most amazing discoveries ever on a trail. A fallen tree with Indian figurines inside.

The photos do not do that moment justice. We absolutely were amazed by it. Magical Trail Art like that is rare.
Then came the biggest surprise to me yet. When I say big, I mean BIG.

Just the day before, I had visited Giant Sequoia National Park, and saw the largest tree in the world. The General Sherman Tree. 36 feet in diameter. 275 feet tall. They can grow to 311 feet high. However, Redwoods can grow over 371 feet high, but only 22 feet in diameter at max.
It was such a mind blowing experience for me hiking through this God Given forest. Understandably, the girls had gone on ahead as this is nothing new to them. I was in a state of shock seeing these beasts tower over the forest. Wow.
I eventually got over the shock and awe, and caught back up to the girls. We then came to a ladder.

At this point, I don’t think anything else could shock me.

We go on for what seems like an eternity, and eventually come out of the forest, and back into the open. Such a gorgeous view!!

Stinson Beach, here we come! Pacific Ocean, here I come!

Miles: 9.0 Time: 3 hours 40 minutes moving
From the Ocean, we went to a local spot to eat. Avocado Pasta never tasted so good! Thank you girls!
It was only one day together, but we made the most of it. We absolutely did.
To the best of times, and until the next time!
